Colavita Organic Roman Rigatoni



Bring 4 to 6 quarts of slightly salted water to a rapid boil. Pour in the quantity of pasta needed, stirring gently until the water boils again. Cook to desired tenderness, stirring occasionally. Drain immediately in colander and place on platter. Season to taste.



Colavita® Organic Roman Rigatoni. Dal 1912. Parve. This special pasta is produced with carefully selected organic 100% durum semolina, grown without the use of pesticides. Cooking time 8-10 min. USDA Organic Net Wt. 16 oz (1 LB) (454g).

Other Description

In 1912, Colavita Pasta was founded in the small own of Sant'Elia a Pianisi, in Molise, Italy where the rolling hills are still today covered by glorious, golden fields of wheat. The people of Molise hold an unwavering respect for the craft of pasta making. And it's in this spirit that the Colavita family continues to draw upon the resources of their homeland to produce superb organic pasta using only 100% organic durum wheat semolina, grown without the use of pesticides. The Colavita family's commitment to quality and heritage is what makes Colavita Organic Pasta the Authentic Italian choice for home cooks and chefs the world over. Guaranteed authentic product of Italy. Certificate ICEA biological. Control by authorized by MIPAAF IT BPO 006. Agriculture UE/Non UE. Operator controlled M211. Made and packed in Italy by Industria Alimentare Colavita Quality Assured Firm ISO. 86025-Ripalimosani (CB)-Italy Tel. +39 0874 481313. Certified organic by Icea Via Nazario Sauro 2, 40121 Bologna - C.F. E Partita Iva. Tel. +39 051 272986. Icea@Icea.Info.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 2.0 oz

Servings per Container: 8

Title Roman Rigatoni
Energy 210
Total Fat 1 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 0 mg
Carbohydrates 44 g
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Sugars 2 g
Protein 7 g
Daily Percent Of Vitamin A 0
Daily Percent Of Vitamin C 0
Daily Percent Of Calcium 0
Daily Percent Of Iron 0
Daily Percent Of Folic Acid 0
Daily Percent Of Niacin 0
Daily Percent Of Riboflavin 0
Daily Percent Of Thiamin 0


Semolina from Organic Farming, Water.