Dr. Bronner's 18-In-1 Hemp Pure-Castile Soap With Hemp Scrub Pad



Peppermint: 2-3x more concentrated than many leading liquid soaps, cleansers & bodywashes. Dilute with water. Clouds when cold. Put in warm room/water: clears at about 70 degrees F. Peppermint: Enjoy only 2 cosmetics, enough sleep & Dr. Bronner's 'Magic Soap to clean body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting One! Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! For facial packs, scalp & soothing body rub, add dash on bath towel in sink of hot water. Wring out. Lay over face & scalp. Massage with fingertips. Repeat 3-4 times 'til arms, legs & all are rubbed, always towards the heart. Rinse towel in plain hot water and massage again. Breathe deeply! Dilute! Dilute! Ok! 1. One small squirt applied to wet washcloth to wash hands-face-body. 2. Work 1/2 tbsp. into wet hair, rinse with Dr. Bronner's organic hair rinse. 3. Dilute 1:10 with water for hand-washed dishes, best in soft water. 4. For laundry 1/3 - 1/2 c. soap in large load, add 1/2 c. vinegar in rinse cycle. 5. Mop floor: 1/2 c. soap in 3 gal. of hot water. 6. Wash dog by wetting fur, massage soap in for good lather, rinse well. 7. A dash in bowl of water to remove residue from Fruit & Veggies. Rinse clean. 8. All-Purpose Cleaner: add 1/4 c. of soap to qt. of water in spray bottle. 9. One tbsp. in quart of water to spray plants for bugs. Dash of cayenne optional. Visit LisaBronner com for more uses!



Dr. Bronner's 18-In-1 Hemp Pure-Castile Soap With Hemp Scrub Pad. Peppermint: Family soapmakers since 1858. Certified fair trade. Made with organic oils. 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottle! Dr. Bronner's All-One!® Magic soaps. In all we do, let us be generous, fair & loving to spaceship earth and all its inhabitants. For we're All-one or none! All-one! Over 150 years & 5 generations of soap excellence. Certified under the USDA national organic program. 8 fl oz/237 ml. Lavender: Family soapmakers since 1858. Certified fair trade. Made with organic oils. 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottle! Dr. Bronner's All-One!® Magic soaps. In all we do, let us be generous, fair & loving to spaceship earth and all its inhabitants. For we're All-One or none! All-one! Over 150 years & 5 generations of soap excellence. Certified under the USDA national organic program. 8 fl oz/237 ml. Health is wealth! Enjoy exhilarating body rub with Dr. Bronner's magic soap and sisal-hemp-organic cotton scrub pad to stimulate body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting one! Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile is the very best soap for body, home and spaceship earth! foaming agents? detergents? none! all-one! Absolute cleanliness is godliness! Balanced food for body-mind-soul-spirit is our medicine! Full truth our god, half-truth our enemy, hard work our salvation, unity our goal, free speech our weapon, all-one our soul, self-discipline the key to freedom, unity, love unites all-one above! Peppermint & lavender pure-castile liquid soap with hemp scrub pad. Peppermint cool & tingles! stimulate! Invigorate! Flee from the crowd & dwell with truthfulness! Be satisfied with what you have! To hoard brings hate! Lavender calms & soothes: Relax! Rejuvenate! Work well yourself to counsel others clear-there is not fear! full-truth shall make you free! Dr. Bronner's pure-castile, the very best soap for body, home and spaceship earth! Synthetic preservatives? Foaming agents? None! Shave-shower-shampoo-bath-mop-laundry-pets-more-more! All-one or none! All-one! To dream that impossible dream! To reach that unreachable star. 'Til united All-One we are! To fight that unbeatable foe! To go where the brave dare not go! To right that unrightable wrong! To love pure-chaste from afar! To try when your arms are too weary to reach that unreachable star. 'til united All-One we are! For this is my goal: To reach that unreachable star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far! To fight for the Right without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. For I know if I follow this glorious quest, that my heart will lay peaceful & calm when I'm laid to my rest. For we're All-One or None! All-One! Act the way you want to feel and soon, you feel the constructive way you act! ...Poetry uniting All-One! All-Brave! All-Life! Love, when conquered after years of toil-sweat-blood, love can strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark mere dust to intense blazing fire and create new love, faith-hope-guts-strength as only God inspires, create the unity of the human race in Astronomy's Eternally Tremendous. All-One-God-Faith, as all mankind desires!!! All-One! Two 8oz bottles of pure-castile liquid soap & hemp scrub pad.

Other Description

Peppermint: Absolute cleanliness is godliness! Teach the moral ABC that unites all mankind free, instantly 6 billion strong & we're all-one. "Listen children eternal father eternally one!" 1st: If I'm not for me, who am i? Nobody! 2nd: Yet, if I'm only for me, what am I? Nothing! 3rd: If not now, when? Once more: unless constructive-selfish I work hard perfecting first me, absolute nothing can help me! 4th: Only hard work-God's law can save us, but if we teach only our clan, we're all hated then! So, Hillel taught Jesus, we must teach friend & enemy, the whole human race, the full-truth, hard-work, free speech, press-&-profitsharing moral ABC's All-One-God-faith, uniting the whole human race! For we're all-one or none! As teach for 6,000 years the astronomers Abraham & Israel, since the year One! " listen children eternal father eternally one!!! "exceptions eternally? None! Absolute none! 5th: Whatever unites us is greater than whatever divides us! Yet if absolute unselfish I am not for me. I'm nothing but classless, starving masses, a slave, never free nor brave! Only if constructive-selfish I work, perfecting first me, like every arctic owl-penguin-pilot-cat-swallow-beaver-bee, can I teach the moral ABC, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all mankind free. 7th: each swallow works hard to be perfect pilot-provider-builder-trainer-teacher-lover-mate, no half-true hate! So, each day like a bird, perfect thyself first! Have courage and smile, my friend. Think and act 10 years ahead! And the man without fault? He's dead! Do one thing at a time, work hard! Get done! Then teach friend & enemy the moral ABC that unites all mankind free! Uniting one! All-One! Face the world with a smile, life is always worthwhile! To the fearless are given crowns, keep out the past, disappointments won't last! Help unite mankind, or we're wandering clowns! Diligent preparation, precedes ... spectacular restoration!! So, help teach the whole human race, the moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, lightning-like, for we're All-One or none! All-One!! 10th: thank God we don't descend down from perfect Adam & eve to sinful sinner, brother's keeper, divided slave! Thank God! United armed, loving hard-working trained brave, from dust we ascend up! Thank God for that! Our brother's teacher of the moral ABC, mason-tent-& sandal-maker Hillel, taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free! With it, every human being created on God's spaceship earth can evolve united, inspired-raised-trained-skilled-disciplined, guided lightning-like by a new birth! Without it, we destroy God's spaceship earth! Aknathan-Baha'ullah-Buddha-Confucius-Moses-Hillel-Jesus-Mohammad, inspired every 76 years by the messenger of God's law, Halley's comet, teach: a fire, a mist, a planet, a crystal, a cell, a jellyfish, a dinosaur, caves where cavemen dwell! Then a sense for work-love-song-art-play-law-beauty, a face turned up from the sod! For we're All-One or none! 12th: A great teacher must first self-supporting be, like Alison M.D., Berlin Rabbi Baeck, Martin Buber, Carnegie. Marva Collins. Cousteau, Edison. Rabbi Liebman, Paine. Margaret Sanger. Spinoza. Strauss, Dr. Thomas Szasz. Yadin & Zamenhof; or he will turn our greatest teachings into spades with which to bury our people! "All people:' added carpenter Jesus entering manhood! Manhood! Sure, it is constructive evolution, guided by one all-embracing, ever-present, eternally-tremendous, ever-loving God! No detergents. Dr. Bronner's was founded in 1948 by Emanuel Bronner, a third generation master soapmaker from a German-Jewish soapmaking family. He used the labels on his superb ecological soaps to spread his message that we must realize our transcendent unity across religious and ethnic divides or perish: "We Are All-One or None!" Emanuel Bronner passed away peacefully on March 7th of 1997. The business continues to be run by the Bronner family. No foaming agents. Dilute: Enjoy 1 soap for 18 different uses! Shave-Shampoo-Shower-Bath-Mop-Launder-Degrease! Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile is the very best soap for body. Home and Spaceship Earth! Synthetic preservatives? Detergents? Foaming agents? None! Health is our greatest wealth! Enjoy body rub to stimulate body-mind-soul-spirit and teach the Essene Moral ABC uniting all free in the shepherd-astronomer Israel's greatest All-One-God-Faith! 100% biodegradable! Dr. Bronner's is certified. Fair for life. Not animal tested. Certified Vegan, vegan.org. Non GMO Project Verified. nongmoproject.org. Contains at least 70% fair for life. Fair Trade certified ingredients. These are the days, my friend: we know they'll never end! We'll work-sing-dance-love, marching on! Marching on! We live God's Law each day, we win free speech ok! With full truth our only God, we rally-raise-unite-All-One! All-One!! All-One!!! Oregon Tilth Certified Organic. Lavender: Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Teach the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free, instantly 6 billion strong & we're All-One. "Listen children eternal father eternally one!" To keep my health, to do my work, to love, to live. To see to it. I gain and grow and give and give. Never to look behind me for an hour. Never to wait in weakness nor walk in power. Always working, searching for more truth, more light. Always speaking, fighting for what I found good and right! Robbed, starved, beaten, fallen, smeared & slandered wide astray. Back with full trust I have learned-back to the way. Smile! Work! Help build the brotherhood of man. All man! On full truth, All-One-God-faith, it's can stay. So help us God. Hurrah! Ahoy! & hi! Who else but God gave man this sensuous passion, love that can spark mere dust to life?! Revealing beauty in our eternal father's fashion. Ecstasy-far above earthly greedlines and strife! Poetry, uniting All-One, all brave, all-life! Who else but God? Who else but God? Love is like a willful bird! Do you want it? It flies away! Yet, when you least expect its bliss, it turns around and it's here to stay! Poetry-unity-ecstasy-love, evolving man above, above, above the ape! Only man, absolute clean, reciting poetry, enjoys hours of loving self-discipline! God our eternal father! By Rudyard Kipling (adapted by Bronner): God our eternal father, known of old, lord over our farflung human race, beneath whose eternal law we hold dominion over land and space- Lord God of nations, unite us yet! By the law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free lest we forget - lest we forget! Far called, our navies melt away; on dune and headland sinks the fire: gone is all our pomp of yesterday, gone with Nineveh and Tyre. Lord God of nations, unite us yet by the law, the Moral ABC of the free lest we forget, lest we forget! The tumult and the shouting dies; the captains and the kings depart; still stands your ancient sacrifice, a humble ad courageous heart. Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by the law, the Moral ABC of the free lest we forget, lest we forget! If, drunk with power, we should loose wild tongues that have not you in awe, such boastings as small children use, or Godless beasts outside thy law! Lord God of nations unite us yet by the law, the Moral ABC of the free lest we forget, lest we forget! For foolish heart that puts its trust in manmade tube and iron shape. All passing dust that builds on dust. And guarding it, calls not you to guard. For frantic boast and foolish word - have mercy on the people, Lord! The trouble with the world is that the wrong people are always the most energetic, united & intense while the hardworking people work scattered, divided, less intense! That fact alone brings Hitlers, Stalins and Parasites to power & that fact will only change when we change; that is when we teach the essence Moral ABC 6 billion strong instantly uniting all mankind free with barbarism gone! Free by teaching only full truth, God's law, eternally one: All-One! No detergents. Dr. Bronner's was founded in 1948 by Emanuel Bronner. A third generation master soapmaker from a German-Jewish soapmaking family. He used the labels on his superb ecological soaps to spread his message that we must realize our transcendent unity across religious and ethnic divides or perish: "We Are All-One or None!" Emanuel Bronner passed away peacefully on March 7th of 1997. The business continues to be run by the Bronner family. No foaming agents. Dilute: Enjoy 1soap for 18 different uses! Shave-Shampoo-Shower-Bath-Mop-Launder-Degrease! Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile is the very best soap for body, home and Spaceship earth! Synthetic preservatives? Detergents? Foaming agents? None! Health is our greatest wealth! Enjoy body rub to stimulate body-mind-soul-spirit and teach the Essene Moral ABC uniting all free in the shepherd-astronomer Israel's greatest All-One-God-Faith! 100% biodegradable! In all we do, let us be generous, fair & loving to spaceship eaerth and all its inhabitants. For we're All-one or none! All-one! About Dr. Bronner's: Still family-owned and run, Dr. Bronner's honors the vision of our founder by continuing to make socially and environmentally responsible products of the highest quality, while dedicating our profits to help make a better world. All-One! Young men & women, memorize The Moral ABC & great poetry: Kipling's "If" & Bronner's "How to Love" unite "All-One" above! Above!! Above!!! I am the living temple, the clear channel, the searching student, the joyful builder, the singing sower, grateful reaper, the inspired teacher of full truth, hard work, God's Law, uniting All-One-God-Faith, replacing half-true intolerant hate: I am! What I am at this moment is the result of past constructive action! But all future generations depend on what I do with it at this moment! We're all sisters & brothers! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! For we're all-one or none! All-One! Love shows clear the upward path! Listen children. Eternal father. Eternally one! The ABC of Mama Cat: Arctic White Owl has babies only when there is 9 weeks' food supplies to survive! Beavers, by teamwork, family life! Bees drop 3% lazy drones from hive! Cleopatra's love, the ABC of Mama Cat teaches: 1st: absolute cleanliness is Godliness! 2nd: constructive-selfish hard work saves home-food-young! 3rd: absolute teamwork fertilizes God's earth! 4th: absolute harmony with God's timing easy birth! 5th: mother's love discipline, save! 6th: father's stern discipline, off titties when raised! 7th: hard work, self discipline! 8th: God's Eternal discipline, save! 9th: nine lives, self-reli-ant, brave! 10th: dignity, beauty, relaxation, fun! 11th: tenacity gets it done! 12th: perfect sense of direction, ESP! 13th: the ABC of Mama Cat & the Swallow's song above, teach the human race with the Moral ABC, taught 6 billion strong in All-One-God-Faith! We're All-One! Love unites All-One above! Let your light shine forth so all mankind can see your good works, to glorify our Eternal Father's law as expressed by you! Each day, like a bird, perfect thyself first, to have courage & smile my friend! Think & act 10 years ahead! And the man without fault? He's dead! Do one thing at a time! Work hard! Get done! Then teach friend & enemy 'How to Work & How to Love' for God is Love, uniting All-One above in God's Eternal All-One-God-Faith! To dream that impossible dream! To reach that unreachable star. 'til united All-One we are! To fight that unbeatable foe! To go where the brave dare not go! To right that unrightable wrong! To love pure-chaste from afar! To try when your arms are too weary to reach that unreachable star, 'til united All-One we are! For this is my goal: To reach that unreachable star, no matter how hope-less, no matter how far! To fight for the Right without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. For I know if I follow this glorious quest, that my heart will lay peaceful & calm when I'm laid to my rest. For I know that all will be better for this: that one man, tortured, blinded, covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage, to reach that unreachable star, 'til united All-One we are, the whole human race in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! Love that can spark mere dust to life! Berlin Rabbi Baeck teaches, 1945, how united only we survive: "The mark of the mature man is his ability to love and be loved, joyful, brave, without feeling of guilt. We have learned to teach that or teach nothing!" We'll work-sing-dance-love, marching on! Marching on! 3. A shark can only love its friend. Lacking frontal lobes, it must avoid-fear-smear-hate-slander-dominate-dictate-distort-destroy anything it does not know, understand or disagrees with. That's a shark. But a Human Being possessing the Kingdom of God's Law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free within his frontal lobes, works hard to teach friend & enemy the Moral ABC, otherwise that being is not yet human. 4. A Human Being is a constructive working scientist who knows, loves, follows, teach-es Full Truth, God's Law, to all of God's Children, friend & Enemy! Exceptions? None! 17. Self-disciplined timing is the skeleton of your intellect, the key to freedom, the basis of happiness, the foundation of Brotherhood! Without it, the most brilliant head remains useless-ineffective-small! 18. From every power en-chains, each man can only free himself as self-control he gains! Dr. Bronner's is the top-selling soap in the U.S. natural marketplace. Only the purest organic & fair trade ingredients. No synthetic preservatives, detergents or foaming agents-none! Independent, third-party certification ensures that our products meet the highest standards of ecological and social sustainability. 3rd: if not now, when? All-One! Once more, unless constructive i work hard, perfecting first me, absolute nothing can help perfect me! Exceptions none!! Box made from 100% recycled paper, with a minimum of 85% post-consumer fiber. FSC®. Recycled. 1-844-937-2551. www.drbronner.com.


Peppermint: Water, Organic Coconut Oil*, Potassium Hydroxide†, Organic Palm Kernel Oil*, Organic Olive Oil*, Mentha Arvensis, Organic Hemp Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Mentha Piperita, Citric Acid, Tocopherol. *Certified fair trade ingredients. †None remains after saponifying oils into soap and glycerin.


Keep out of eyes. If cap clogs, poke it clear. Do not squeeze bottle and shoot out soap. Soap can clog and spurt with pump dispensers. Flush eyes well with water for 15 minutes. Consult a physician if irritation persists.\n\nLavender:
Keep out of eyes. If cap clogs, poke it clear. Do not squeeze bottle and shoot out soap. Soap can clog and spurt with pump dispensers. Flush eyes well with water for 15 minutes. Consult a physician if irritation persists.


Dr. Bronner's
P.O. Box 1958, Vista, CA 92085 USA