Alter Eco Organic Royal Red Quinoa



Cooking instructions: 1 cup quinoa + 1 1/2 cups liquid. 4 servings. Rinse quinoa under cold water until water runs clear. Place quinoa and water or stock in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover and cook until liquid is absorbed and germ has spiraled out, about 20 minutes. Flavor tip: Before adding liquid, sauce quinoa in pan with a dash of olive oil until slightly toasted, about five minutes.



Alter Eco Organic Royal Red Quinoa. Organically grown. Fairly traded. Hand-cultivated. Chisaya. Nutty, flavorful. Supergrain of the Andes. GF, gluten-free. P, A good source of protein. USDA Organic. Fair Trade Certified™.

Other Description

Cultivating the world's finest quinoa: 13,000 feet up on the arid, desolate Salar De Uyuni salt flat of Bolivia, traditional Quechua and Aymara farmers tend to fields of highly coveted "quinoa real," or royal quinoa, an ancient variety grown only in this very spot. This pearl-shaped, nearly perfect nutrition source was so revered by the Incas that they called it "chisaya mama" or "mother grain." Our Royal Red Quinoa adds a nutty, nutritious bright spot to any meal. For our partners at Anapqui Co-op, fair trade practices and organic farming mean: 180 Villages building a better future. 50,000 Native trees being replanted. 98,000 Llamas to support healthy soils. Nourishing foodie, farmer and field: As committed food activists, we travel far and wide to bring you the world's most exotic, delicious and sustainable foods. Whole grain. Contains all 8 essential amino acids. By choosing this Fair Trade Certified™ product, you are directly supporting a better life for farming families through fair prices, direct trade, community development and environmental stewardship. Certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI). Carbon Neutral Product. Agriculture that Restores Ecosystems. Alter Eco. To understand our commitment to fair trade and learn what sustainability means to us, visit For more cooking tips and recipes, visit us at

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 43.0 g

Servings per Container: 11

Energy 160
Total Fat 2.5 g
Sodium 10 mg
Carbohydrates 29 g
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Protein 6 g
Daily Percent Of Calcium 2
Daily Percent Of Iron 20


100% Organic Royal Red Quinoa.


Alter Eco
San Francisco, CA 94107