Nicholson Chain Saw File 1 ea BANDED PACKAGE



Instructions: Tighten the tension on the chain to firmly support cutters when filling. After filling, re-tighten to allow 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch clearance. File from inside to outside of cutter. File with firm strokes, only applying pressure on the forward stroke (away from you) Position file in cutter at an angle of 20 degrees - 45 degrees with saw blade. Follow saw manufacturers specifications. Sharpen all left hand cutters on one side of chain. Then move to the other side and file all right hand cutters. When completed, check depth gauge height every 2 or 3 sharpenings and file as required.



6 inch x 1/8 inch (150 x 3.17 mm). Est. 1864. Black diamond. Smooth gradual metal removal fine finish.


Not Applicable