WinCo Foods Dental Floss 1 ea BLISTER PACK



Directions for Use: Dentists recommend daily flossing to help remove plaque from between teeth and under gums. 1. Cut off about 18 inches of floss and wind around the middle or index finger of each hand until you have about 4 inches to work with. 2. Gently work floss between teeth (don't snap it in) and move it back and forth and up and down against each tooth including under the gum line to loosen plaque. 3. Let about an inch uncoil from your left hand and take up the slack with your right hand so that you have a fresh piece of floss every few teeth. 4. Gently pull the floss out from between your teeth.



43.7 yards (40 m). Healthier gums. Cleaner, fresh breath. Easy slide satiny finish. This product is not manufactured or distributed by Procter & Gamble, distributor of Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Comfort Plus Floss. The supermarket low price leader.

Other Description

Comments & questions? 800-824-1706.


Caution: Slight gum bleeding during flossing is frequently a sign of unhealthy gums. By flossing daily, bleeding should stop. Consult your dentist if bleeding persists.


Winco Foods, LLC