The Mountain Valley Spring Water
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The Mountain Valley™ Spring Water. Pure. Fine. 4 - 25.3 fl oz (1 pt 9.3 oz) (750 ml) Bottles.Other Description
The Mountain Valley Spring is a source of wonder, inspiration and crisp, pure American spring water. Flowing fresh from the heart of the Ouachita Mountains, this natural, untamed source inspires our devotion to America's pristine wilderness. We actively protect over 2,000 acres of Ouachita forest, preserving the quality of our spring and vitality of the surrounding land. Mountain Valley Spring Water has been recognized and awarded for its crisp, refreshing taste and exceptional quality. Bottled at the original spring source since 1871, the Mountain Valley is America's original premium spring water. Naturally occuring in parts per million: Calcium - 74.0. Magnesium - 7.3. Potassium - 1.0. Total dissolved solids - 220 7.8 pH. NYSHD Cert #015 CT.936 NV.04980 PA.Dep.244. NSF Certified. Please recycle. We gladly provide additional consumer information relating to water quality at: Call: 800.643.1501. Visit:
Mountain Valley Spring Water.UPC