Axe Detailer 2-Sided Shower Tool
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Use the scrub side to dig into your extra dirty spots or tough parts (hands, feet, elbows, etc.)...because every part matters. For use: Lather Axe shower gel with black mesh and dig in with red scrub. When done, rinse the tool thoroughly, squeeze out excess water and hang up to dry. For best results, replace detailer every 4-6 weeks. Take care when using on sensitive areas.
Axe® Detailer 2-Sided Shower Tool. Makes your skin smoother.Other Description
When girls check out guys, they notice every part. They don't miss a thing. Neither does the Axe detailer. The detailer has an ergonomic grip and the soft mesh side now builds more lather than before to help clean your "sensitive" areas. A Unilever brand. Questions/comments? 1-800-450-7580. ©Unilever.Distributor
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