Pete And Gerry's Organic Eggs Grade AA Large - 12 CT



Keep refrigerated at or below 45 degrees F.



Pete and Gerry's Large Fresh Organic Grade AA Eggs. USDA organic. Small family farms. Health grows here. No pesticides. No antibiotics. Cage free. Omega 3. Each egg contains 200mg of Omega 3. Certified* humane raised & handled.

Other Description

Happy hens lay better Eggs™. Small family farms health grows here. Pete & Gerry's organic eggs come from small family farms where our certified organic and humane cage-free hens live in clean, spacious barns with access to pasture during the warmer months. We never give them antibiotics or hormones, and their 100% organic feed is free of pesticides and GMOs. By contrast, most of America's eggs are produced on giant factory farms, where millions of hens spend their lives confined in small cages. We think that's an unhappy and unhealthy way to live. Our 63 small family farms are proud to raise our cage-free eggs for your family. You can trust them to feed your family well. Our four generations of egg farmers at the Laflamme family home farm. Jesse Laflamme. Gerry Laflamme. Did you know that this recycled egg carton is more environmentally friendly than paper? We use recycled plastic bottles that have been collected, washed, melted and reformed to make our egg cartons. Because this plastic can be recycled up to 7 times, excess plastic is simply recycled again. The process uses far less energy and water than paper, and uses no harsh chemicals. By choosing products in recycled packaging, you lower your impact on the environment. This package used to be a water bottle. Give this package another life by recycling it again. Large eggs. *Meets the humane farm animal care program standards, which include nutritious diet without antibiotics, animals raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors. We share your concern about the environment. We use recycled plastic packaging. Please recycle. 100% vegetarian feed. Organic eggs do not contain GMOs. Certified organic by New Hampshire Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food. For more information about our farm visit: Please e-mail us with your comments or suggestions at

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 50.0 g

Servings per Container: 12

Energy 70
Total Fat 5 g
Saturated Fat 1.5 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 185 mg
Sodium 70 mg
Potassium 70 mg
Carbohydrates 0 g
Protein 6 g
Daily Percent Of Vitamin A 6
Daily Percent Of Vitamin C 0
Daily Percent Of Calcium 2
Daily Percent Of Iron 4
Daily Percent Of Phosphorous 10
Daily Percent Of Riboflavin 15
Daily Percent Of Thiamin 0
Daily Percent Of Vitamin B12 8
Daily Percent Of Vitamin B6 4
Daily Percent Of Vitamin D 10
Daily Percent Of Vitamin Zinc 4


Safe handling instructions:
To prevent illness from bacteria: keep eggs refrigerated, cook eggs until yolks are firm, and cook foods containing eggs thoroughly.