Saco Cultured Buttermilk Blend



Use SACO cultured buttermilk blend whenever your recipe calls for liquid buttermilk or sour milk. When recipe calls for: 1 cup buttermilk - Use this much Saco buttermilk blend: 1 envelope - Use this much water: 1 cup. Usage instructions: first mix the dry buttermilk blend with the other dry ingredients. Then add the appropriate amount of water when the recipe calls for liquid buttermilk.



Saco® Cultured Buttermilk Blend. Low fat & low cholesterol! "See side for nutrition facts". For cooking and baking. Real®. Equals 4 cups (1 qt.) of liquid buttermilk. 4 envelopes.

Other Description

Suitable for those with nut, or tree nut allergies. Gluten free. Saco cultured buttermilk blend brings back the old-fashioned quality of real buttermilk to cooking & baking. In fact, it is real buttermilk! Saco cultured buttermilk blend is made from real Wisconsin sweet-cream churned buttermilk. For convenience, it comes in a powder blend so you will always have buttermilk on hand, whenever your recipes call for buttermilk or soured milk. Great for bread machines! For recipes, questions or comments call: 1-800-373-7226. E-mail us at: or drop by our website:

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1.0 envelope

Servings per Container: 4

Energy 80
Total Fat 1 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 4 mg
Sodium 166 mg
Carbohydrates 13 g
Dietary Fiber 0 g
Sugars 12 g
Protein 5 g
Daily Percent Of Vitamin A 1
Daily Percent Of Vitamin C 1
Daily Percent Of Calcium 22
Daily Percent Of Iron 1


A Cultured Blend of Real Sweet Cream Churned Buttermilk, Sweet Dairy Whey, and Lactic Acid.