Raid Ant & Roach Barrier Defense System
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Tips: Remove food spills and exposed food. Store food tin sealed containers. Caulk cracks and crevices where bugs enter or escape into walls, including entry points from outside or neighboring units. Directions for use: It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Turn the nozzle to the fan or stream position. Squeeze trigger to spray product. Return to off position after use. Product information: Remove or cover exposed food and utensils. Cover exposed countertops and other food related surfaces. Do not spray into the air. Test in an inconspicuous area before applying. Do not allow children or pets to touch the treated surface until it has dried. Wash thoroughly after spraying. Do not use in commercial food handling establishments, restaurants or other places where food is commercially prepared or processed. Spray until surface is moist but not dripping. Approximately 3 pulls per square foot. Over application may cause damage. Repeat spraying as necessary but not more than once per week. Indoors: Hold container upright and spray away from face. Ants, boxelder bugs, cockroaches, firebrats, ground beetles, palmetto bugs, pillbugs, roaches, silverfish, sowbugs, and waterbugs: apply as a spot and crack and crevice treatment to areas where these pests crawl and hide, paying special attention to ant trails, hidden areas around sinks and storage areas, behind baseboards, around doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks and stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers, bookcases, and similar areas. Can also be used in basements. Centipedes, cricket, scorpions, spiders and stink bugs: spray directly. Carpenter ants: for effective control, locate and treat nests and surrounding areas. Apply around doors and windows and other places where ants enter premises and where they crawl and hide. Spray into infested wood through existing openings. Ticks (including deer ticks which may transmit lyme disease) and fleas on pet surfaces: remove pet bedding and destroy or clean thoroughly. Spray pet resting quarters. Adult fleas and larvae contacted by spray will be killed. Put fresh bedding down once spray has dried. Do not spray animals directly. For best results, pets should be treated with an appropriate flea and/or tick control product registered for use on pets before allowing them to return to the treated area. Spray rugs and carpets where infestations are bad. Delicate fabrics should be tested for staining in an inconspicuous area prior to use. Gnat, houseflies, mosquitoes and small flying moths: spray resting areas. Insects coming to rest on treated surfaces will be killed chocolate moths, cigarette beetles, clover miles, cluster aid, drugstore beetles, flour beetles, grain beetles, lesser grain borer, rice weevils, spider beetles and tobacco moths: spray insects directly. Remove all food-stuffs, utensils and shelf paper from area to be treated. Discard used shelf paper and any infested foodstuffs. Apply spray to shelves and in cracks and crevices behind and under cupboards and cabinets. Allow to dry prior to replacement with new shelf paper, food and utensils. Wash any exposed food handling surfaces and utensils before use. Webbing clothes moths: use this product as a crack and crevice treatment in closets and other storage areas where these pests are found. This treatment will not control moth larvae already on clothes. Do not apply to clothing. To control aphids, elmleaf beetles, Japanese beetles, lace bugs, leaf miners, mealy bugs, miles and spider mites on house plants: prior to spraying, remove plants from living and eating areas. Put in an area not likely to come in contact with pets, children or food. Plants can be returned to original location when leaves are dry. If plants cannot be moved, cover or remove exposed food and food handling surfaces. Apply spray to upper and lower surfaces of foliage. Avoid wetting blossoms if possible. Avoid spraying surrounding areas. Outdoors: Hold container upright and spray away from face. Spray with wind if breeze is blowing. Do not contaminate fish ponds or apply directly to water. Do not use on edible crops. Ants, clover mites, cockroaches (including Asian and German cockroaches), crickets, pillbugs, silverfish, sowbugs and waterbugs: spray foundation of building up to a height of 2 to 3 feet where insects are active and may find entrance. Apply to outside surfaces of buildings where insects tend to congregate. Spray areas include but are not limited to screens, window frames, eaves, porches, patios, garages and refuse dumps. Spray to slightly moisten the surface of infested patio or picnic areas, hitting as many insects as possible. Also spray legs of tables and chairs. Ants: spray freely around ant trails and hills. Spray around nests hidden under steps, brickwork, concrete, etc. Break apart accessible nests and spray freely on and around debris. Crickets, fleas, dog ticks and lone star ticks: apply thoroughly to infestation in bushes, grass or weeds. Gnats, houseflies, mosquitoes and small flying moths: spray resting areas. Insects coming to rest on treated surfaces will be killed. For control of ornamental garden insects: for use on asters, dahlias, roses, and other ornamentals. Spray directly to kill aphids, armyworms, clover mites, Japanese beetles, lace bugs, leafminers, mealy bugs, pavement ants, spiders, spider and red mites, exposed thrips and whiteflies. Also for use as a multi-purpose spray in small ornamental gardens and for spot treatments to prevent insects from spreading into large garden areas. May be used on other plants such as African violets, asters, azaleas, begonias, camellias, carnations, chrysanthemums, delphiniums, dogwood, English ivy, euonymus, fuschia, geraniums, crassula, grape vine, kentia palm, laurel, marigolds, rhododendrons, rubber plants, snapdragons, stocks, wandering jews and zinnias. When spraying plants, use a sweeping motion. Spray insects directly whenever possible. Be cautious about wetting tender foliage, young plants and new growth. Do not spray plants when temperatures exceed 90 degrees F. Over application may cause damage. Repeat treatment as necessary but not more than once per week. Do not apply to vegetable plants or other plants used for food. Not for use on plants grown for sale or other commercial use. Storage and disposal: Storage: store in a cool, dry area inaccessible to children and pets and away from heat, sparks and open flame. Protect from freezing. If freezing occurs, allow product to thaw and shake well before using. Some product separation may occur on freezing which is reversible on shaking. Freezing does not adversely affect the performance of this product. Disposal: container: nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. If empty: place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: call your local solid waste agency or 800-529-3394 for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.
Raid® Ant & Roach Barrier Defense System. SC Johnson. A family company. Indoor. Outdoor. Keep listed bugs out. Leaves no odor. Prevent bugs.‡Other Description
Helps you work smarter, not harder to fight bugs. Visit to identify your bug and best treatment plan. Use this product to: ‡Use to keep listed bugs out. Spray outdoors, around doors, windows, and along your home's foundation. Spray indoors along floor boards, door and window frames. Use in hard-to-reach places where long term control is needed. Use other Raid® products to: Attack bugs: Kill bugs on contact. *Use a Raid® ant or roach killer spray product to kill listed bugs on contact. Read the label to find the right product for your bug problem. Control bugs: Kill bugs at the source. †Use a Raid® ant or roach bait product to kill ants or roaches where they hide. For heavy infestations, first use a Raid® fogger or fumigator product and then place baits to provide ongoing control. Read the label to find the right product for your bug problem. Kills: Ants. Fleas. Flies. Gnats. Roaches. Ticks. Silverfish. Crickets. Spiders. Scorpions. Mosquitoes. Centipedes. Firebrats. Small flying moths. Stink bugs. Sowbugs. Ground beetles. Boxelder bugs. Questions? Comments? Call (800) 558-5252 or write Helen Johnson. ©2015 S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.Ingredients
Active Ingredient - 0.03%. Other Ingredients - 99.97%. Total - 100.00%.Warnings
Keep out of reach of children.Hazards to humans & domestic animals.
Contact with product may result in transient tingling and reddening of the skin. Avoid contact with skin or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, or using tobacco.
Environmental hazards: this product is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area. Physical or chemical hazards: do not apply this product in or on electrical equipment due to possibility of shock hazard.